Book a Session:
Click the button below to be directed to the online scheduler. If you are new, please also fill out the form below and provide a short description of what you want to work on.
Opal Street Center
3947 Opal St. Oakland 94609
Wednesday 9-3
Thursday 9-3
Friday 9-3
$135 for 1 hour session. ($145 beginning 2/1/25) Cash, Check, Zelle, Venmo, or PayPal.
I have a number of sliding scale slots available if needed- let me know if you want more information.
Low Scent Environment:
I and many of my clients are scent sensitive, so please minimize scents by avoiding perfumes, dryer sheets and strongly scented detergents like Tide or Downey. If you have any questions, please let me know and we can talk about options. Thank you for accommodating.
Covid-19 Precautions:
In keeping with CA-MTC guidelines, the space is well-ventilated (openable windows, HEPA filter, and HVAC system with MERV-13 filters) and I space out clients by 15 minutes to air out the room. I wear an N-95 mask, and ask that clients wear well-fitting (k)N95 masks. I am fully vaccinated and boosted. Note that Opal Street Center is a shared office and not everyone in the building may be vaccinated.
The treatment area is a 10' by 15' ground floor room, up 3 short steps with a hand railing (I can provide a portable ramp). I try to minimize scents. Please ask if you have any questions about access.
Free street parking. Availability varies- please leave a few minutes to find a spot.
Most of the therapy is done through clothing and is interactive, so please have natural fiber loose attire to wear for your session. A tee shirt and shorts or sweatpants works well.
Cancellation policy:
I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone's life. In my desire to be effective and fair to all of my clients, I have adopted the following policy: I charge full-fee with less than 48 hours cancellation notice, but will waive the fee if I am able to re-book the session.
Contact Me:
If you have additional questions, please fill out the form below.